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white iron 白鐵,馬口鐵。

white knight

In regard to the low wear resistance of the white iron shot in the practical application , based on experimental research and trial production , by alloying and proper heat treatment , the shot can be made with higher hardness , better toughness and increased service life 摘要針對白口鐵丸在實際應用過程中不耐磨的現象,通過大量實驗研究和試生產,找到通過添加合金元素生產合金鐵丸,并通過適當熱處理等手段,使其既具有較高硬度,又有良好的韌性,使用壽命得到提高,滿足拋丸工作的需要,節約大量資金,提高了勞動生產率。

Standard specification for centrifugally cast white iron gray iron dual metal abrasion - resistant roll shells 離心鑄造板口鐵灰口鐵雙金屬耐磨擦滾動外殼標準規范

Statically cast chilled white iron - gray iron dual metal rolls for pressure vessel use 壓力容器用靜電鑄造的白口鐵-灰口鐵雙金屬柱

Abrasion - resistant white iron castings 抗磨白口鑄鐵件